11 Causes For Only Pooping Mucus

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Checking your poop is an excellent way (and very important way) to keep a check on how healthy your insides are. 

Sometimes though, your poop might be much different to how you’d expect it. Believe it or not – you can poop out just mucus on its own.

Do you have an urge to poop but only mucus comes out? Pooping mucus can be a sign of a serious medical condition which will require medical intervention. 

So, read on – it might save your life one day! 

11 Causes For Pooping Mucus 

There are various potential causes for pooping out mucus. Some of these causes include:

1. Bacillary Or Amoebic Dysentery 

This is typically caused by an infection within the large intestine and the colon becomes inflamed affecting the rectum and resulting in mucus only poop. You may also have bloody diarrhea and a fever along with mucus only pooping. 

There are two organisms that normally lead to dysentery. Shigella bacteria which is the usual cause for bacillary dysentery and the Entamoeba Histolytica protozoa which is the usual cause of amoebic dysentery. 

Pooping out mucus is common for people experiencing dysentery – but pooping mucus on its own is far more common with bacillary dysentery due to its bacteria’s ability to cause an inflammation of the rectum. 

Common causes of infections with the shigella bacteria are food poisoning or touching contaminated areas. The bacteria is highly contagious and it is possible to cause outbreaks of dysentery.

Avoiding this is crucial and that is why good sanitation and food hygiene is so important. 

Amoebic dysentery is normally less severe than bacillary but is still horrible. The likelihood of having mucus only poop is not as high but can still happen depending on the person and the severity of the illness.

You may also experience a more gradual illness and intestinal perforation. 

2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 

Having anal sex can result in a sexually transmitted disease such as ano-rectal gonnorea, chlaymdia which can cause rectal ulcerations, syphillis which can lead to serious anal pains and Campylobacter Jejuni which causes rectal uclerations too.

All of these sexually transmitted diseases are not only painful, but can lead to mucus only pooping. You may also experience fever-like symptoms.

3. Foodborne Illnesses

Some foodborne illnesses can cause the forms of dysentery mentioned, but can also lead to other illnesses which can affect the rectum and could lead to mucus only pooping.

These organisms can include salmonella and E. Coli which are both extremely dangerous. You may also experience extreme abdominal pain and vomiting. 

4. Anorectal Fissure 

This type of fissure is when the lining of the anal canal is broken. You could feel extreme pain and irritation along with mucus pooping. This can happen due to giving birth, cancer, Crohn’s disease, trauma or even constipation (in extreme or chronic cases). 

Creams to soothe the pain along with other medications prescribed by your doctor may be advised. Sticking to a fibrous diet is the best way to avoid constipation, along with a healthy and balanced diet and regular exercise. 

5. Extreme Hemorrhoids or Inflammation 

Hemorrhoids (sometimes known as piles in some countries) is the result of the veins in the anal canal becoming inflamed. If these continue and irritate the anal canal further, it can result in mucus pooping.

It may even happen without you noticing or having the need to poop.

Hemorrhoids can be treated with certain creams and medications but sometimes medical intervention with surgery is required. It is important to consult with your doctor about the best course of action. 

Hemorrhoids can happen as a result of aging, chronic constipation, hard pushing when pooping, pregnancy or even lifting heavy objects. In some cases, it can be down to poor hygiene.

It’s important to get advice if you are constipated to avoid hemorrhoids and always practice good hygiene, especially when it comes to visiting the bathroom. 

6. IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Diseases)

Two common types of inflammatory bowel disease are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease can cause problems to any part of the digestive system whereas ulcerative colitis is normally focused to the large intestine. 

Along with mucus poops, you could also notice diarrhea, pain, blood in your stool, loss of weight and sometimes a fever. For a doctor to correctly diagnose an inflammatory bowel disease, they may suggest a colonoscopy. This can be worrying or embarrassing but it is entirely normal and required for your health.

If you’re concerned about the procedure, speak with your doctor or gastroenterologist for some advice. 

7. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

If your irritable bowel syndrome is causing persistent diarrhea, it is possible that you may poop only mucus. Due to the complexity of the condition, it is not known exactly what causes it and there is not a cure for it.

If you’re experiencing these IBS symptoms (including pain, constipation, bloating, gas and nausea) then you should speak with a doctor for guidance as soon as possible. 

Read more about IBS Causing Mucus in the Stool.

8. Abscess In The Rectum 

Abscesses can be in many parts of the body. They’re tissue sacs which have become infected with foul smelling pus. If the abscess bursts or leaks, you could notice mucus poops or discharge.

The only way to resolve an abscess entirely is to have it removed surgically and then treated with antibiotics and over the counter pain medications.

You will need to see a doctor for the next steps if you have an abscess. 

9. Ulcer In The Rectum 

There are various causes for a rectal ulcer, including chronic constipation, Crohn’s disease, an ulcerated tumor or even a rare condition known as solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS). 

10. Intolerance To Foods 

If you are intolerant to some foods or food groups, your colon may become inflamed. This may result in diarrhea which could be mucus only. Common intolerances are gluten, fructose and lactose.

The best way to avoid diarrhea with food intolerance is to simply avoid the food in question. You can keep an eye on these foods by keeping a food diary or chart.

It is still important to speak with your doctor about what the best course of action should be though. 

11. Antibiotics 

Yes, even the things that are meant to make us better can sometimes make us sick! If you are not sticking to the guidelines of antibiotic use, you may inadvertently kill your body’s “good bacteria” and microorganisms which could result in infections, and eventually you may notice your poop is mucus.

To avoid this type of infection, you should always follow the advice of your doctor and pharmacist and do not ignore the guidelines on the pill bottles. If you forget or start having adverse reactions, then you must speak with your doctor. 

What To Take Away 

Pooping only mucus is often a sign of something that needs to be addressed. You should never ignore these signs and should definitely consult a doctor or medical specialist if any of these have become apparent. 

Although it can be unpleasant and embarrassing, checking your poop and speaking with your doctor about any problems can be a life saving thing to do.

Due to the variety of reasons for mucus only poops, the best advice can only be given when you’ve been assessed by your doctor who will be happy to help.

Learn more about stool in these other articles:

Written and Medically Reviewed By

  • Sheila Jennings

    Sheila Jennings is a 4th-year medical student and also freelances as a content writer on gut health, nutrition, and food. She lives with IBS and has learned how to keep her symptoms at bay through a healthy diet and exercise. She wants to educate others on what they can do to take back control of their gut health and live like they used to.

  • Julie Guider, M.D.

    Dr. Julie Guider earned her medical degree from Louisiana State University School of Medicine. She completed residency in internal medicine at the University of Virginia. She completed her general gastroenterology and advanced endoscopy fellowships at University of Texas-Houston. She is a member of several national GI societies including the AGA, ACG, and ASGE as well as state and local medical societies.

    Gastroenterologist, M.D.